Saturday, February 6, 2010

Saturday Night Live February 6th, 2010

Saturday Night Live
February 6th, 2009
Host: Ashton Kutcher
Musical Guest: Them Crooked Vultures

Cold Open.
Moderately funny! I like the idea of random "attractive blonde lady," and there were some decent lines including Karl Rove only having a problem with gay men, not gay women.

I can't believe he's hosted 3 other times. Not sure I remember any of those episodes. I didn't catch who was dressed as the old lady break dancing. I liked the set up of Ashton trying not to react to the "awesome" stuff in the audience. And most of the examples were good up till Mark Twain getting punched in the nuts. What's he have against Mark Twain?

Pool boy at reading of the will.
The only thing the sketch had going for it was "gross out" humor, and yet it felt surprisingly tame. Even the STD names weren’t very imaginative. “Foreigner’s Cough”?

The View.
Second sketch to address "Don't Ask Don't Tell." I guess Elisabeth Hasselback likes to repeat things for emphasis? I don't remember that from previous View sketches, but I’ll roll with it. I did like Kenan/Whoopie's complaint about not liking to go to the movies because they play at different times. Overall, this was another decent View sketch, one of he more reliable repeating bits.

Commercial Parody: Cialis for threeways. Almost made me smile, but mostly made me roll my eyes.

Will Forte seemed to be playing a villain in a Hanna Barbera cartoon. I’ll give them credit for doing an old-fashioned style sketch.

Musical Guest: Them Crooked Vultures.
I usually like Dave Grohl’s various bands, but this song didn’t really do anything for me.
Didn’t sound so great and the lyrics were pretty unintelligible.

Weekend Update.
Fairly long segment this week.
Andy Samberg’s new character “Liam, the teenager who just woke up” was surprisingly funny (and real).

Game Show: What is Burn Notice?
Snarky! But accurate!

Access Hollywood/Oscar Nominations.
Also accurate?

Statement from Rahm Emanuel.
More of a rant than a sketch, but it felt fresh and different! Kind of amazing, actually.

Wedding Band.
Crisis of Conformity rocked it. Worked because the song “Fistfight in the parking lot” was actually pretty good and Fred Armisen is a good singer. And of course Dave Grohl on drums. Nice live moment where his mic didn’t work.


Attitude inc Design said...

i loved the last sketch. made me think of what it might be like at my daughters wedding if one of my old bands played. cherry pie by warrant? creeping death by metallica? i venture to say none would be appropriate and all would be funny as hell!

youngbroose said...

Pretty rad last sketch since Armisen used to sing backups (& play drums) in Trenchmouth (a 90s punk band from Austin). I now wonder if he knew Grohl from that time.

youngbroose said...

Sorry. Just started looking them up. They were a "Chicago-based" band according to wiki.